Title I
What is Title I?
It's a federal program to help all students get a good education and meet academic standards. Title I resources are directed toward students who need them most. The program helps not only students to do better in school and feel better about themselves, it also helps teachers understand the needs and concerns of students and parents. Through the school-parent compact, progress reports, and family nights, parents are able to better understand their child and be more involved in the child's education.
How does Title I help the children?
Title I schools work to set goals for improvement for each child identified for services. Programs are developed that add to the regular classroom instruction.Students receive extra instruction in a small group setting. Student progress is monitored and measured using standards set the Title I plan.
How do parents get involved?
Start by attending the annual Title I meeting during Open House. The principal holds this meeting every Fall.
You can also:
talk about homework with your child
attend Family Nights and other school events
attend Fall Conferences
join the Parent-Teacher Organization
volunteer in the classroom
become involved in planning and revising the LC Title I Plan
become involved in planning and revising the LC Parent Involvement Policy
become involved in the budget process for the use of LC Title I funds
Important Documents
SHSD Parent Involvement Policy
LC Parent Involvement Policy
Invitation to Participate in Policy Review
Highly Qualified Staff
School - Parent Compact
Homelessness Information
Homelessness Information - Spanish